Settings Selector Drop Down Menu Selecting Predefined Settings

Click the control or press T to open the Settings Selector.

Use the Settings Selector Control in the Main Dialog to retrieve Predefined Settings for all the controls in the various groups. In this way, you can recall combinations of settings that generated results you particularly liked.

The Settings Selector Control contains a list comprised of two special sets we have defined plus the names of all of the sets of Predefined Settings that you have saved yourself via the Save / Load Predefined Settings menu.

When you click on the Settings Selector Control, the list will drop down and you can load the desired set by simply clicking on the entry you want to use. If your list of Predefined Settings is very long, the list will include a scroll bar to help you move through it.

The list will grow longer as you define and save your own sets.

Note that the Flat Only checkbox is also affected when you select a set of Predefined Settings.

Default and Initial Settings

There are two special sets in the Predefined Settings selector that always appear: Default Settings and Initial Settings.

Keyboard Operation

When the Settings Selector Control is activated to have keyboard focus, the control will be highlighted. You can activate the Settings Selector Control by navigating to it using the Tab key or by using the T keyboard shortcut. Using the T keyboard shortcut will also cause the Settings Selector Menu to be displayed.

When the Settings Selector Control has the keyboard focus, you can scroll through the available sets of Predefined Settings using the following keys on your keyboard:

Note that when the Settings Selector Control has the keyboard focus, it will intercept most keyboard keys. This will prevent the keyboard shortcut keys that you might expect to operate other controls from working normally. However, you can change the control that gets the keyboard focus using the Tab key or you can hold down the Alt key and move to any other Settings control by typing its shortcut key.