Choose User Interface Colors Choose User Interface Colors

Press the [ Preferences ] button on the Main Dialog to see these options.

The option selections in the User Interface Theme Options section of the Preferences Dialog allow you to select the colors that will be used in the user interface of the Main Dialog.

Note that the user interface theme color will take effect in the Main Dialog after pressing the [ OK ] button in the Preferences Dialog, and will remain at that setting until reconfigured.

Preset Themes

Click on the Very Dark, Dark, Light or Very Light buttons to customize the appearance of the Main Dialog by changing the colors used to display it. The image embedded in each button is representitive of how the Main Dialog will appear if that particular button is clicked.

System Theme

Click on the System Theme button to cause the colors the plug-in uses to display the Main Dialog to be the colors defined by your current Windows desktop theme.

Note: Selecting one of these themes only affects the appearance of the AstroFlat Pro Main Dialog; all other dialog boxes will be displayed using the current Windows desktop theme.