StarFilter Pro 3
8BF Filter Plug-in
Version Details
StarFilter Pro 3
is an older product and is no longer for sale. It has been replaced by a newer version.
Click here to learn more about the latest version.
Release Notes
Version 3.0.6 - June 22, 2015
Free Update for All Version 3 Users - To upgrade
to this version simply click the button above and install. You will not have to
reactivate the plug-in.
- Added installer support for Photoshop CC 2015.
Version 3.0.5 - April 8, 2014
- Corrected a problem with a blank preview in Greater Compatibility and Software Rendering modes.
- Reduced memory usage during interactive operation of the plug-in dialog.
- Made error handling more robust, e.g., for memory allocation failures.
- Higher quality results through improvements to internal pixel management routines.
- Corrected an underflow causing an incorrect brightness for the dimmest light source in the image.
Version 3.0.4 - April 5, 2014
- Corrected a problem with older GPUs where only a white preview would be shown.
- More robust error handling, e.g., for memory allocation failures.
- Improvements to ToolTip help wording.
- Addition of installer support for the next release of Photoshop.
Version 3.0.3 - March 14, 2014
- Higher quality and faster preview - better GPU acceleration than ever.
- Fastest and most accurate image analysis yet.
- The max size image you can process on a 32 bit system has been increased through better RAM management.
- Radically improved performance through increased multithreading and use of SSE2 instructions.
Version 3.0.2 - January 29, 2014
- Added a Control-Alt-0 (zero) keyboard shortcut for "Zoom to 100%" for greater concordance with Photoshop.
- Corrected a problem where the Show or Hide tool could be dragged to the edge of
the image while the preview was zoomed out and miss some effects at the very edge.
- Changed the detection of the capabilities of certain nVidia GPUs so that the default initial OpenGL setting will be
"Higher Quality" instead of "Greater Compatibility". This will give new users a better first experience.
- Corrected a text field in the Options dialog so the text will show fully when the desktop is at 125% size.
- Fixed a problem where a selection mask could be interpreted wrongly during initial analysis, causing some
highlights to be missed.
Version 3.0.1 - January 26, 2014
What's New In Version 3.0
- New Spike Spread effect!
- Cleanest and most refined looking results yet.
- New configurable UI choices from Dark to Light.
- New Effect Editor.
- New control usability features.
- Everything highly optimized to make operation faster.
- Excellent Photoshop integration - familiar plug-in operation.
- Installer support for the latest releases of popular image editors.
- StarFilter Pro 3 can coexist on the same machine with versions 1 and 2.
StarFilter Pro 1.x and 2.x Users
Click here to see the StarFilter Pro 2 release history.
Click here to see the StarFilter Pro version 1 release history.