You MUST have an "8BF" style plug-in-compatible editor (such as Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Photoshop® Elements, and many others) to use this software.
Please see the System Requirements to confirm that our plug-in is compatible with your system and with your image editor.
StarSpikes Pro 4 has a "try before you buy" feature. You can download and install a fully functional version of this software and try it for free for 15 days. We suggest you download and run it before buying and see for yourself what amazing effects you can create.
If you have not already done so, you can click here to download and install StarSpikes Pro 4 from our web site.
Even though our software is checked for viruses and malware and is authenticated with a certificate, occasionally a firewall or security program will prevent you from installing it directly from the web. If this occurs, you can click here to download a zip file containing the StarSpikes Pro 4 installer. After it has been downloaded, expand the zip file and double-click on our installer ("StarSpikes_Plugin_PC_Installer.exe") to install the plug-in.
After you have purchased the software, the next step is to activate it using the Software Activation portion of the Software Purchase Activation Dialog.
Once StarSpikes Pro 4 has been activated, you may continue to use the software without any time limit.