AstroFlat Pro 8BF Filter Plug-in - USD $34.95   News

New Release!

AstroFlat Pro
8BF Filter Plug-in

Nearly Effortless Astroimage Flattening

for Adobe Photoshop, Elements, Fireworks, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, PaintShop, PhotoLine, and other image editors on PC/Windows.

AstroFlat Pro is a plug-in you can use to even out the luminance levels in your astroimages, while retaining all the detail.

Here's what's in this new product:

  • Fast GPU-based image analysis separates subjects from sky glow.
  • Removes hot spots and gradients while preserving dim detail.
  • No selections required; the GPU determines where your DSOs are.
  • Simple "tweak until you like what you see" controls.
  • Flatten individual images or prepare for overlaying and mosaics.
  • Integrated Photoshop Action recording and Smart Filter support.
  • Fully color-managed, 32 bit color accuracy.
  • Works with 32 and 64 bit editors that host 8BF-style filter plug-ins.
  • Fast startup and rendering times, even on big images.
  • Detailed interactive manual.
  • New 1.2 release.

Click here to download a 15 day fully functional free trial.
