Show Effects Tool (+) - use this tool to show effects that are not presently visible, drag to do multiples; hold down the Alt key to turn it into an undo Show Tool

Click the Show Tool icon or press + to activate.

After activating the Show Tool, which is one of the Tools to the left of the Preview Viewport, the cursor is changed to a "+ crosshair", which can be used to reveal effects that are not showing. This could occur because a star is dimmer than the threshold level set by the Quantity control, the star analysis wasn't quite sure it was a star, or the effects have been previously hidden.

Effects that have been revealed with this tool will remain visible, and no longer be affected by the brightness threshold adjusted with the Quantity setting.

If a star analysis has not already been preformed, the first use of the Show Tool will immediately initiate a star analysis.

Showing One Set of Effects

A single click over the center of a star will reveal a set of effects for that star.

Click the Show Tool on a star to reveal the effects

Showing Multiple Effects

If you click and drag you can cause effects to be revealed in an entire rectangular area.

Click and drag the Show Tool to reveal effects in a rectanglar area

Important: StarSpikes Pro 4 must have identified a bright place in your image as a star for this tool to reveal effects on it.

Modifier Keys